Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Details of the World Make us Prosper, Yet Still War Continues

“I grew up hearing, seeing, and almost believing that America was white- albeit with a little black tinge here and there- and that white was best” (487, Yuh Ji-Yeon, “Let’s Tell the Stories of All America’s Cultures”) Indeed, a very prolific view of the past was that only the Caucasians, the European descendants, did anything of note and were of true Americans. This myth has been forever shattered. America is multicultural; yet, education still reflected a highly “Euro centric” curriculum. The accomplishments of other ethnicities/groups towards American and Western culture were disregarded; but, with true multiculturalism, the truth is being made known. “….they changed America too” (488, Yuh Ji-Yeon, “Let’s Tell the Stories of All America’s Cultures”). Thus, multiculturalism has led to the revision of this view, especially in education. Students are now taught that the numbers of their math come from Arabia, that America was based on the Iroquois Federation system, and that the Chinese invented the fireworks that entertain them so. Now, it is known that Frederick Douglas was influential in leading to the Civil War and that the Mexicans originally settled and converted the arid lands of Texas-California. With the acknowledgement of these things in our education system, we are able to witness the truth of the world and the reality of America. With multicultural education- an intrinsic approach to education and curriculum construction that acknowledges and respects the contributions which the various racial/ethnic groups have made to society, and incorporates these contributions in an overall program of instruction which meets the needs of an ever-changing society and is sensitive to the personal and social development of all persons concerned- (2, Caleb Rosado, “What Makes A School Multicultural”) all Americans (especially the future adults) are able to distinguish that there is value for all of them (at least on the ethnic level). This further lessens any hostile intent of persons to other kinds of persons in the same population.


  1. It's more hostile in areas with less diversity. I know for a fact that states down south are more prejudiced towards certain things. I used to live in Georgia for a half year, and I think I was one of two Asians in my school. People there aren't stupid about other cultures, just ignorant. It's kind of the education system's fault too, they don't try to educate the youth on things such as war, so they get influenced by negative media.

  2. That may be very well true, however if we generalize about them, then how different would we be?

  3. I must agree with Samara statement that people in the south are more prejudiced.

  4. Yes but wherever we go that will be the case. the north has more people in it, therefore more minds to interact with and more feelings which overlap. it kind of like living in a white room all your life being given only white foods, white clothing, etc and then one day placing a red apple infront of you. now it may sound stupid but think about it, you will not be able to tell what the apple is, because it is not white, it is red. something you do not understand people always seem to cover with hate and dislike in general. its a complicated example but i hope it works lol
